Entrepreneurship | Technology | High Performance Living
I’m Ben Solomon
I’m a husband, father, technologist, entrepreneur, truth-seeker, researcher and coach

My Approach
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Why Should I Follow Your Work?
If you are looking to create an online business, so you can do more of what you enjoy and create the value that you can uniquely create in this world, while being driven by a purpose to create the best future for humanity, this is a place to be. I’ll be sharing my journey in building an online coaching and course business, and what’s working now with online marketing. (I’ve been doing online marketing in one form or another since late 2006, and currently work for one of the top business coaches for coaching businesses).
If you are looking at optimising your health and wellness so that you can perform at your best, this is a place to be. (I’ve been researching and experimenting with health, nutrition and wellness, in one form or another since the mid 1990’s).
If you are looking at optimising and being more ethical and conscious in the use of tech in your life, work and business, creating a world where individual privacy is respected, Open-source principles are adhered to, and De-centralisation is achieved, so that we are not controlled by any single entity, this is the place to be. (I’m an Electronics and Communications Engineer by education, and have worked in the ICT field for close to 2 decades all the way from technician to ICT Director).
Beyond this, I’ll also be sharing my thoughts and reviews on books I read and listen to, health and wellness protocols I’m experimenting with, technology I’m looking to use in my online business, my home lab as well as for personal use.