What I Use
These are Tech Devices, Software Platforms and Apps, along with other tools I am using currently for various aspects of life and business.
Please do bookmark this page, as I will be updating this often with more quality resources.



Other Tools

Health & Fitness
- The Primal Blueprint by Mark Sisson
- The Paleo Cure by Chris Kresser
- Why We Get Fat and What We Can Do About It by Gary Taubes
- The Leptin Diet by Byron Richards
- Permanent Weight Loss by Scott Abel
- Beyond Metabolism by Scott Abel
- Truth about Abs by Mike Geary
- Burn the Fat, Feed the Muscle by Tom Venuto
- It Starts With Food by Dallas Hartwig
- Ultimate Cuts by Brandon Carter
- Metabolic Damage and the Dangers of Dieting by Scott Abel
- The Cycle Diet by Scott Abel
- Ultimate Mass by Brandon Carter
- Top 10 Diet Myths that are Keeping You Fat by Yossif Etok
- Sleep Smarter by Shawn Stevenson
- Diet Recovery by Matt Stone
- Driven to Distraction by Dr. Edward Hallowell
- Tame Your ADHD Brain by Grant Weherley
- Vision ADD by Adam Suter
- Transforming the ADD ADHD Conversation by Frank Coppola
- The Disorganized Mind by Nancy Ratey
- The DaVinci Method by Garret Loporto
- Adult ADHD by Thom Hartmann
- Fast Minds by Craig Surman & Tim Bilkey
- Staying Focused in a Hyper World by John Gray
- The Edison Gene by Thom Hartmann
- Dreamers, Discoverers & Dynamos by Lucy Jo Palladino
- Living Daily with Adult ADD or ADHD by Douglas A Puryear
- Your Life Can Be Better by Douglas A Puryear

- Unscripted by MJ DeMarco
- The Millionaire Fastlane by MJ DeMarco
- F. U. Money by Dan Lok
- Supernatural Business by Wez Hone
- Create or Hate by Dan Norris
- End of Jobs by Taylor Pearson
- Obvious Adams by Robert Updegraff
- The Millionaire Booklet by Grant Cardone
- The 10x Rule by Grant Cardone
- The Toilet Paper Entrepreneur by Mike Michalowicz
- Crush It by Gary Vaynerchuk
- Anything You Want by Derek Sivers
- How to Win at the Sport of Business by Mark Cuban
- Choose Yourself by James Altucher
- Business Secrets From The Bible by Rabbi Daniel Lapin
- Hack The Entrepreneur by Jon Nastor
- Unplugged by Scott Rewick
- Passion to Profits by Ryan Lee
- The Art of Work by Jeff Goins
- 5 Bucks a Day by Dennis Becker
- 5 Bucks A Day Revisited by Dennis Becker
- 7 Day Startup by Dan Norris

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Health & Fitness
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Suspendisse sagittis lorem accumsan convallis pharetra. Praesent ex ante, placerat quis purus a, tempor consectetur lorem. Integer accumsan pharetra orci nec tempor. Quisque mollis vel enim a facilisis. Aliquam ornare nunc nibh, sit amet porta diam pretium in. Cras et velit faucibus, dignissim tellus at.
Donec ullamcorper libero nisl, nec blandit dolor tempus feugiat. Aenean neque felis, fringilla nec placerat eget, sollicitudin a sapien. Maecenas at consectetur ex, vitae consequ egestas nisl.